
   日期:2025-03-02     来源:本站    作者:admin    浏览:92    
核心提示:      一只香肠狗产下了11只小狗,创下了世界纪录。  上个月,三岁的温妮在莱斯特附近的家中生下了这一窝孩子。  腊肠



EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jo<em></em>nes from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last mo<em></em>nth (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.





  EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jo<em></em>nes from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last mo<em></em>nth (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.






  EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jo<em></em>nes from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last mo<em></em>nth (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.




  EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jo<em></em>nes from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last mo<em></em>nth (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.








