
   日期:2024-12-17     来源:本站    作者:admin    浏览:100    
核心提示:      英国一位母亲残忍地杀害了自己的丈夫,据说她在丈夫的饭菜中加入了镇静剂,然后用锤子砸了他的头。  38岁的拉曼迪



British mum sentenced to hang for murdering her husband poiso<em></em>ned his biryani





  随后,她的情人Gurpreet Singh溜进屋子,用锤子砸了Sukhjit的头,然后递给Mann一把刀,她用刀割断了丈夫的喉咙。



  A woman who embarked upon an affair with her husband's best friend is accused along with her lover of murdering him while he slept, it has been reported. Devout Sikh Sukhjit Singh, 34, a father-of-two from Derby, Derbyshire, was found in bed with his throat slit last Thursday while he was on holiday at his mother's house in India. Now, his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann is accused of plotting the lorry driver's murder, along with Mr Singh's childhood friend Gurpreet Singh.

  A woman who embarked upon an affair with her husband's best friend is accused along with her lover of murdering him while he slept, it has been reported. Devout Sikh Sukhjit Singh, 34, a father-of-two from Derby, Derbyshire, was found in bed with his throat slit last Thursday while he was on holiday at his mother's house in India. Now, his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann is accused of plotting the lorry driver's murder, along with Mr Singh's childhood friend Gurpreet Singh.

  A woman who embarked upon an affair with her husband's best friend is accused along with her lover of murdering him while he slept, it has been reported. Devout Sikh Sukhjit Singh, 34, a father-of-two from Derby, Derbyshire, was found in bed with his throat slit last Thursday while he was on holiday at his mother's house in India. Now, his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann is accused of plotting the lorry driver's murder, along with Mr Singh's childhood friend Gurpreet Singh.






  A woman who embarked upon an affair with her husband's best friend is accused along with her lover of murdering him while he slept, it has been reported. Devout Sikh Sukhjit Singh, 34, a father-of-two from Derby, Derbyshire, was found in bed with his throat slit last Thursday while he was on holiday at his mother's house in India. Now, his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann is accused of plotting the lorry driver's murder, along with Mr Singh's childhood friend Gurpreet Singh.

  A woman who embarked upon an affair with her husband's best friend is accused along with her lover of murdering him while he slept, it has been reported. Devout Sikh Sukhjit Singh, 34, a father-of-two from Derby, Derbyshire, was found in bed with his throat slit last Thursday while he was on holiday at his mother's house in India. Now, his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann is accused of plotting the lorry driver's murder, along with Mr Singh's childhood friend Gurpreet Singh.









