
   日期:2024-12-22     来源:本站    作者:admin    浏览:129    
核心提示:      由知名毕业生领导的数百名哥伦比亚大学校友要求警察结束周二的亲恐怖抗议活动,并要求支持他们的教师停职。  超过




  超过2000人签署了一封致该学院遭到抨击的校长米努什·沙菲克(Minouche Shafik)的公开信,呼吁“立即采取坚决行动”,结束反犹抗议活动。

  A door inside Hamilton Hall at Columbia is shown locked with a bike lock, with newspapers covering the shattered glass door. 5


  “支持哥伦比亚大学犹太校友会”(Stand Columbia)组织呼吁校方立即开除参与暴力事件的学生,并对提供“物质或情感支持”的教授处以停职处分。




  David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel. 5


  Stand Columbia的信还谴责了“对大学政策的肆意漠视”和“蒙面的外部煽动者……以及自封的领导人……在指挥这场混乱的同时,散布着卑鄙的反犹太言论。”



  A statement from the alumni of Columbia University</p>

<p>  Sign our statement</p>

<p>  Share</p>

<p>  On April 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM, an additio<em></em>nal statement was prepared by the alumni, provided below. Prior to this additio<em></em>nal statement, approximately 2,080 signatures were collected. These existing signatures should not be co<em></em>nstrued as automatically in support of the second statement. New signatories are encouraged to review both. If you have already signed, there is no need to sign again.</p>

<p>  April 30, 2024</p>

<p>  Columbia University alumni of good co<em></em>nscience stand united with the Columbia Jewish Alumni Association in horror over the rapidly deteriorating situation on campus. The overnight occupation of Hamilton Hall by protesters, including previously suspended students brazenly defying campus bans, has crossed an indefensible line far beyond legitimate protest into the realm of lawless mob violence.</p>

<p>  Disturbing videos show violent property damage, the presence of masked outside agitators infiltrating dormitories from the street, and self-proclaimed leaders o<em></em>nce again spewing vile antisemitic vitriol while directing this chaos. Such wanton disregard for University policies, student safety, and basic democratic norms is antithetical to the open spirit of inquiry that defines our institution.</p>

<p>  We demand that President Shafik, the Board of Trustees, the University Senate, faculty and staff take immediate and resolute action to restore order:</p>

<p>  The occupation of Hamilton Hall must end immediately. If Columbia campus security needs assistance, it must call upon the NYPD.</p>

<p>  All participating students must be expelled immediately and CUID access to campus revoked immediately.</p>

<p>  All participating professors must be placed on immediate administrative suspension pending review of possible violations of their contracts. Participation is defined as providing material or emotio<em></em>nal support for the co<em></em>ntinuation of a violation of the school code of conduct.</p>

<p>  Request NYPD posted around campus on all sides with instructions to prevent non-students from entering dorms or other school buildings.</p>

<p>  Request NYPD to clear all crowds obstructing access to/from school gates and entrances.</p>

<p>  Any non-member of the campus community, including those with revoked IDs, must be arrested.</p>

<p>  The University must act forcefully and decisively to end the anarchy that has been allowed to overtake and endanger the Columbia campus. This untenable situation requires an emphatic respo<em></em>nse befitting the gravity of these destructive and discriminatory acts. Anything less than the full enforcement of laws and policies signals a surrender of Columbiaas fundamental identity. We urge steadfast leadership to firmly reiterate that such violence, hatred, and lawlessness have no place in our revered community.</p>

<p>  Letter of April 29, 2024 (expand to read)</p>

<p>  Share</p>

<p>  Sign our statement</p>

<p>  Signatures will be updated several times a day. Please do not submit more than once. 5



  这封信的其他签名者包括该校管理机构前主席丽莎·兰道·卡诺伊(Lisa Landau Carnoy),她一直是该校的主要捐助者。

  另一位签署人雪莉·沃尔夫(Sherri Wolf)是哥伦比亚大学校友会现任主席,代表着这所文理学院的数千名毕业生。

  Masked protestors on ledge of Hamilton Hall, Columbia University. 5

  它还得到了哥伦比亚大学董事会的一系列成员的签名,他们是沙菲克的顾问委员会,还有哥伦比亚大学参议院的至少一名成员,乔纳森·苏斯曼(Jonathan Susman)。参议院负责挑选受托人,并已要求对沙菲克处理危机的方式进行调查。


  对冲基金亿万富翁莱昂·库伯曼(Leon Cooperman)过去曾强烈批评哥伦比亚骚乱,他告诉《华盛顿邮报》,管理人员应该为“无政府状态”负责。


  Leon Cooperman in a pensive pose. 5






